monday mood lifter

colorful sunsets hold my gaze, marking a tranquil time of day just before twilight. it is one of my favorite times of the day - everything softens and starts to sparkle - a time when closeness and warmness emerge. i don't see it as the end of something but the beginning of a certain closeness with friends or family or the coziness and solitude of one. maybe it's the homebody in me that can relate to that hour when so many go inside or start to settle in for the evening. have a colorful yet tranquil week.


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canvas hotel seen on blood and champagne, sourced via onekindesign; twinned dolomite with hematite inclusions via bijouxetmineraux; salt marsh sunset by bruce crane via elegantiaearbiter; 1930's reverse painted peacock via eriebasin; becca stadtlander card via beccastadtlander; lisa grossman prairie twilight painting via lisagrossmanart