monday mood lifter

an homage to my nephew and his bride-to-be, soon to be married with a honeymoon in our neck of the woods - the sublimely sinuous sentimental san francisco - wholeheartedly wishing the young couple a bright and bountiful future together. below is a hanging that i made, photographed when it was practically done, as part of their wedding gift.

have a week that's sublime.

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september oct13mood doyledoylering


1. wassily kandinsky painting via wassilykandinsky spotted on pin by brianpaquette 2. golden gate bridge photo by jonathan gleit via 365gleit 3. katie marx and greg hatton butterland property, foliage by florist katie, photo by erin and tara via thedesignfiles spotted on bloodandchampagne 4. floral arrangement by saipua via worldsendfarm 5. home sweet home hanging handmade by me, more gift offerings at kuwatani 6. antique emerald and diamond ring via doyledoyle