monday mood lifter

fill your easter with what brings a sweet smile to your face. others will join in the fun. interesting details enhance any occasion. below left are a few new hand embroidered wallflowers that are fun to make, now in the shop.

have an easter filled with sweet details.

foundrentals fernanda yamamoto detail 1 Between 3 Brooches
wallflowertrio ceciledaladier gravetye mixed borders


1. photo and venue by studio emp, styled and furnished by and via foundrentals 2. fernanda yamamoto summer 2011 dress, jewelry by rosely kasumi via styleskilling 3. jewelry by naoko inuzuka via cargocollective 4. handmade wallflowers via kuwatani 5. cecile daladier loveliness via ceciledaladier 6. gravetye manor garden via gardenista