monday mood lifter

another burst of thoughtfully manipulated works of wonder showing off the impact of texture increasing the viewers visual and tactile interest. these tactilely inviting beauties are already full of original charm and splendor, made more wondrously inviting composed of mostly natural materials. have a week filled with wonder.


pilar wiley cups via totokaelo; christiane lohr dandelion art via thepoetryof; grass house via telegraph; twig hut via carex; nigel dunnett landscape via landscapefocused; patrick dougherty scuplture, garrett mclees photo via carex

the ins and outs

our family is heading off to the redwoods for camping this weekend. i love pitching our tent and creating a simple but special place to be together, play games, enjoy the campfire and gaze at the trees and the stars.  how great it would be to have that special kind of spot available in your house year round.



interior tent via canadian house and home; exterior tent via daily mail

the ins and outscary
monday mood lifter

texture in different materials in a particular color palette adds incredible visual and tactile interest to whatever is on display. it invites a viewer in to absorb a welcoming array of thoughtful splendor. have a visually and tactilely inviting week.


beautiful metal tile via houseofbliss; mimi jung fiber art via brookandlyn; l'imagiraphe photo via flickr; abigail doan and zaida adriana goveo balmaseda fiber and textile art via trendtablet; vintage dior via monsecret; dreamy mociun ring via mociun