monday mood lifter

unbelievably alluring...i want to admire these objects up close and in person. if only i could try these shoes on for fun, touch the lovely cushion, admire the artwork and natural beauty within arms length, and be under that pale pink and blue sky. looking at all the colors and forms together makes me smile. have an alluring week.

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mary delany botanical illustration via designsquish; claude monet's the garden gate via wikipaintings; simon rocha shoes by rory van millingen via differentfolks; renilde depeuter seat cushion/artwork via atswimtwobirds; wildest dreams garden designed grouping via landscape focused; ethereal soria spain image via satsuma

monday mood lifter

opulent, mystical almost electrifying effect iridescent qualities have on the viewer's eye. so bright with warmth, shimmering metallic brilliance draws me in. easy to see how younger eyes are distracted by shiny objects. must remember to add a little brilliance to my everyday.

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ninh wysocan quarry iridescent crystal, african opal necklace via totokaelo; hufton and crow photo of sauerbruch hutton-designed brandhorst museum in munich via europaconcorsi; adina mills quartz, hand sculpted clay necklace via totokaelo; rikka ayasaki - passions (2011) via mydarkenedeyes; goldpoets bronze ring via goldpoets; henri lebasque painting the pine tree via athenaeum

the ins and outs

gathering together at our house invariably means hanging out in the kitchen - every year as i notice the crowd standing,  i dream of an open plan kitchen with an island and stools to comfortably accommodate friends and family.  hope your weekend includes time for hanging out (comfortably) with friends and family.


clockwise from top left: 1/ Est magazine 2/ House Beautiful 3/ House Beautiful 4/  5/ House Beautiful 6/ Better Homes and Gardens

the ins and outscary