monday mood lifter

grandeur, elegance, softness...part of me yearns to sit in a formal garden, embroider away, stroll through the grounds and ponder which baubles to wear to the next ball. enjoy your week, have a ball.

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tumblr_mpw55ulrou1r1dcs8o1_r1_1280 A view down the parterre to several fine examples of topiary in Westbury Court Garden, Gloucestershire tumblr_mg2ku9Ulo31qzi2nqo1_1280


19th century enamel pearl pendant via eriebasin; rundale palace photo by seanavigatorsson spotted on rococo revisited via flickr; clive nichols photo of pettifers garden, oxfordshire via clivenichols; michel barhelemy olivier oil on canvas via rococorevisited; westbury court garden, gloucestershire via nationaltrustimages; 1890-1900s victorian colored paste ring via eriebasin

monday mood lifter

here again a sense of intrigue and wonder lure me in. i wonder what is down the path, through the arched incredible the arched agate window must look in person...look at the beautiful and interesting mix of stones and colors in the ruth tomlinson ring and how would it look on...the always charming sweetness of a beatrix potter watercolor. i'm in awe of it all. have an awe-inspiring week.

tumblr_inline_mjvju6HbmC1qz4rgp tumblr_mqejbtauRj1qb30dwo1_500 Ruth_green
Casedip1-1200x818 84_pi1-65  Fawe-Park


sigmar polke's agate windows from church in zurich via communedesign; path in england photo from best travel photos via bluepueblo; intriguing ruth tomlinson ring via chariotsonfire; palazzo reale landscape, caserta, italy photo by and via lindmanphotography; juniper hedge photo by and via alexcreteysystermans; beatrix potter watercolor pinned by felicity house via arttattler

the ins and outs

we have many household projects looming, one of which is the master bath.  leaking pipes in the wall are forcing our hand but we are still in the early stages trying to pin down details like a walk-in shower or a tub or both...hmmm


indoor shower designed by Cary Bernstein via REMODELISTA; outdoor shower via Graham & Co.; Commune designed indoor bath via REMODELISTA; outdoor bath architect Celia Fraser with Town & Country Projects via VISI

the ins and outscary
monday mood lifter

turquoise blue, sea green and creamy white make a dreamy mix...makes my mind drift off to sea under a blue sky...maybe we can plant this soothing color combination in the ground and come home to it each day..or just enjoy it the way it is. drift off and soak up the dreamiest bits of inspiration that crosses your path.

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a_turqnouveau07131-M MM_P3036979 display_image.php


kim mccarty watercolor via iamjapanese; wall surface via abigaildoan; plant photo by and via abigaildoan; art nouveau turquoise ring via eriebasin; spotted on erica tanov tumblr martin miklanek photo via plusgoogle; henri matisse the closed window via athenaeum