monday mood lifter

revealing a fresh and playful collection to start the new year, because everybody needs a burst of light and fun prettiness now and then. have a playful first full week in 2014.

koloro-desk_pink_3-480x640 flowers SONY DSC
tiara_modeled_by_my_little_girl-1 tumblr_mm5ovm0OoF1r9ezq8o1_500 700_rm-tail-of-yak-hot-pink


ichiro designed furniture via milk magazine; eucalyptus sideroxylon flowers via selectreecalpoly; chen williams coaster set via quitokeeto; my little girl modeling the first tiara i made via kuwatani; all roads weaving via allroads; mobile from tail of the yak via remodelista

monday mood lifter

part of me wants to celebrate ringing in the new year in a sparkly, festive kind of way; part of me wants to meander in a finding yourself while wandering kind of way. whatever you do, be safe and enjoy. happy new year to all.

2._entrance_resz tumblr_mwrzghDrSy1qzi2nqo1_1280 tumblr_mi2tlwh7Ap1riatdoo1_500
tumblr_mw8rigttbf1r5dkjoo3_1280 10. Camellia Brooch 2010_JAR copy DSC_0108


arne maynard garden via arnemaynard; joel a. rosenthal jewelry via eriebasin; eugene galien-laloue via sforzinda; andrew kearton landscape via landscapefocused; joel a. rosenthal jewelry via gardenista; landscape via cocon

the ins and outs

"and now let us welcome the new year, full of things that have never been" rainer maria rilke.   as much as i look forward to considering the endless possibilities for the year ahead, i always enjoy the act of reflection as a way to gain perspective and bring closure to the year that has passed.

wishing you a happy new year and a happy weekend.



clockwise from top left: 1/ via House Beautiful 2/ via Chanticleer Garden 3/ via Amanda Patton

4/ via Piet Oudolf 5/ via Traditional Home 6/ via Rawlings Calderone Design

the ins and outscary
monday mood lifter

fill your holiday season with warm wondrous moments - simple, yet fulfilling. add in a dose of decadence here and there and soak it up. looking at this little wintery collection helps me feel more hopeful. so much going on this time of year. embrace the good and be merry. our posts will continue next week. have a warm and hopeful week.  

back-cover-resized-650x744 kappe-house-back-deck-view-from-inside Picture 3
christmas girl with reindeer tumblr_mps11zcqWZ1r7i10uo1_500 junkooki7


beautiful flower photo by sharyn cairns via thequintessentialmagazine; incredible rays in ray kappe designed home via completelytotallymadly; roman and williams designed interior via myleshenry; per breiehagen photo via elsabags; adorable clive roddy rings via weknewbefore sold on etsy; junko oki fiber art via wokyshoten